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The Key Functions Within Human Resources Management Assignment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2255 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Human Resources Management 1.1Distinguish between Personnel Management and Human Resources Management Personnel management is a more traditional approach than Human Resources Management. Personnel management is to manage people in an organization while Human resources management is to manage the people and strength in an organization. In order to use the resources of the organization more efficiently, many companies now had already changed to Human Resources Management instead of personnel management. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Key Functions Within Human Resources Management Assignment" essay for you Create order There are many differences between Human resources management and personnel management. First, personnel management focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare and labour relations while Human resources management focuses on acquisitions, development, motivation and maintenance of human resources in the organization. Also, personnel management assumes people as an input for achieving desired output, but Human resources management assumes people as an important and valuable resources for achieving desired output. And, personnel management is undertaken by employees satisfactions while human resources management is undertaken for goal achievement. Besides, in personnel management, decisions are made by top management as per rules and regulation of the organization while in human resources management, decisions will make after considering the employees participations, authority, competitive environment and decentralization etc. to make sure that employee can help to make go od use of resources in the organization. Therefore, as the time flies, many organizations which is operating with personnel management, is now changing to human resources management. Which from a routine function to a strategic function in order to make better use of resources of an organization. 1.2Assess the function of the Human Resources Management in contributing to organizational purposes In order to manage the employees and other resources more efficiently, Human Resources management (HRM) is needed. There are many functions that needs to handle by the Human Resources (HR) department, such as the selection, recruitment, payroll administration, employee motivation, reward management and employment termination of employees. Also they need to arrange the trainings and development of the employees and mange the employees performance by planning, monitoring, recording and take actions. The HR managers also need to pay attention to the employee relations. 1.3Evaluate th e role and responsibilities of line managers in Human Resources Management The roles and responsibilities of the line managers in HRM are to select, recruit, train, coach, mentor, appraise, grievance, dicipline employees. Also, they have lots of activities need to do, such as to advise HR of job openings, decide whether to do own final interviewing, receive interview training from HR unit, do final interviewing and hiring where appropriate, review reference infromation and provide feedback to HR unit on hiring/rejection decisions. Therefore, the HR manager should act as the employees strategic partner; also to be the administrative expert to measure HR results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness; and they need to know how to manage changes too; and the line managers are assisting the HR department and pass them back to HR unit after they finish their job. 1.4Analyze the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on Human Resources Management HR managers with high eth ical standards are more likely to reach strategic goals, also can viewed more positively by stakeholders, and they are better to able to attract and retain human resources. HR managers need to respect to different races and cultures whatever within and without their countries which it can lead to ethical conflicts for global managers; they need to obey with some special employment laws to prevent any discriminations , opportunities and welfares take away from candidates and employees, such as the sex discrimination act, race relation act, equal pay act and the employment relation act. HR managers also need to be the keeper and voice of the organizational ethics and response to ethical situations. Also they need to respect to the organizational culture and fostering ethical behavior, such as sharing values and beliefs in an organization and train on ethical behavior for all employees. Although as the time flies, it also makes the HR managers have to obey more rules and regulations which are complicated. But it can help the relations between labor and employees becomes better and closer; also it can help to protect the equal opportunities and welfare of employees. In Marians case, she is operating a cafÃÆ'Â ©, which is a small scale cafÃÆ'Â © and we can find that the shop has a absolutely lack of labor, because she said their staffs are very busy as the cafÃÆ'Â © become famous and make lots of mistakes which make their customers not satisfy on their services; also their accountant and cashier, Celia need to resign as she need to finish her study which will make their human resources more tight in the future. So the HR planning in the future is very important, which may have to think of hiring more staffs to afford the daily operation, and find someone (hiring new staff/promote staff) to replace Celias place, which Marian as the boss of the cafÃÆ'Â ©, she also is a HR manager/HR generalist of her cafÃÆ'Â © and she need to think of the problem of b udgets and other problems on HR to prevent other mistakes appear in the future, and obey all the laws and rules and regulation of the organization. 2.1Analyze the reasons for Human Resources planning in organizations Human resources planning is a process that links to the human resources needs of an organization to its strategic plan to ensure that staffing is sufficient, qualified, and competent enough to achieve the organization objective, it also help to reduce the employee turnover and maintain the competitive advantages of their company. HR planning is linked to the organizational purposes, strategy and senior management and it aimed to increase volume of business and control labor cost etc. There have some factors need to concern during the HR planning. For internal planning factors, it needs to concern the organizational needs, demand for products and services, new market, product and service; technological change and new markets. For external planning factors, it need to concern about the supply and demand of labor, government policy, labor market competition, changing nature of work and the impact of technology. They can help the HR planning and these factors also makes the HR planning becomes important because they included lots of researches of their organization within internal and external factors and they can help to make better of human resources of the company after having the HR planning. 2.2Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements For the HR planning, there is a process need to follow, which it can help to finish the planning more efficiently. First is Think of the organizational objectives and strategies, which to decide which type/kind of people to be hired to finish that goal/strategy. Second is to scan external environment for changes affecting labor supply, and analyze internal inventory of HR capabilities, to decide to promote internally or hire labor externally. Third is to forcast the organizatio nal need for the people externally, or survey on people who are available internally. Finally is to plan the HR strategies. These stages are essential to do the HR planning which it can help to find out the most suitable way to make the human resources work more efficiently in the organization. 2.3Compare the recruitment and selection process in two organizations Recruitment is a process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers, with appropriate qualifications, and encouraging them to apply for jobs with an organization. Recruitment are divided into 2 sources, which are the internal and the external environment. If the HR choose to recruit from the external environment, they need to pay attention on the labor market condition, legal consideration and the candidates are satisfy with the corporate image. If they choose to recruit within internal environment, they need to set up policies of filling vacancies above entry-level positions with current emplo yee and well aware of employees capabilities; or choose to requisite other internal employees for finishing the corporate objectives/goals. There is a recruitment process need to follow. First they need to do the HR planning and find out the alternatives to recruitment (such as outsourcing, overtime working), then is the employee requisition; next is to choose the right source to make recruitment (internal/external). Finally the process is done and the candidate is ready for the selection process of the recruitment. There are many methods of recruitment. For internal, the HR can look up the employee database, and send the job posting / job biddings to staffs, or by Intranet or companys newsletters. For external, they can find graduates, competitors in the labor market, former employees, unemployed workers and self-employed workers by advertising agencies, web-application or head hunters. The HR should write down the job description clearly and check the person specification is /is not satisfied with the requirements. Selection is a process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and the organization. There are many steps in the selection process. First is the recruited candidate have to do a preliminary interview, then is to do the review of the application and rÃÆ'Â ©sumÃÆ'Â ©s. After the reviews will be the selection tests and the employment interviews. Next is the pre-employment screening, which is checking the background of the candidates and do the reference checks. Finally will be the selection decision, physical tests and choose candidate(s) to enter the company. Any steps above can also reject applicants. As Creative CafÃÆ'Â © is within catering industry, which we can find other catering brands to compare their recruitment and selection process. First we use Starbucks, which is the largest chained coffee brand in Hong Kong. Also the largest global chain cafÃÆ'Â © brand. As they a lso facing the same problem of lack of labor, they also recruit some fresh graduates as their shop assistiants to help their customers to solve their questions and help them to make coffee they want. Also, as a barista, they need licenses in order to help people to make coffee, Starbucks also need to provide on-job trainings to let their barista (they called as Partner) can get their licenses to make coffee, and learn the main theory and basic knowledge of how Starbucks operate. Starbucks recruits some young staffs (fresh graduates) as their barista/staffs because there are lack of labor in the labor market and they open part-time jobs to them to let them work when they dont need to study in the university. But, the new recruited applicants also need to pass their interview and satisfy with their required working hours in order to let them work in Starbucks. The another brand will be Pacific Coffee, which they are also the largest chained coffee brand in Hong Kong. Their recruitm ent requirements are almost the same as Starbucks and their working hours, employment type and the type of training are almost the same, just they are competitors each other. And their labor types are almost the same, which are the university students, they working there as part-time when they dont have lessons or after school. The new recruited employees will also have to train as Barista in order to operate the coffee machines in the shops and make coffees to customers. In truth, most of the brands in the catering industry are facing the same problem of lack of labor, which they need to find someone having experience and worked for a long time is difficult, so they need to choose some fresh graduates in order to solve the problem, but the cost of training is also rise which makes them difficult to operate. 2.4Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organizations We can see that Starbucks and Pacific coffee can use the part-time job va cancies as their main recruitment alternatives in order to solve the problem of lack of labor. They know many university students/adolescents want to do part-time jobs to make more income for themselves and they use this point to attract them to be their staffs which can help them to ease with their labor problem. Although Starbucks and Pacific Coffee are different brands, they still can hire many people to be their staff may be a success example for other brands in the catering industry. It is because they use many medias to show their recruitment advertisements, such as their shops, newspaper and some job exhibitions. And they have a simple selection process which can easily attract applicants they need. Also their junior staffs will be promoted after they worked for them for a period of time, which they only hire a only some level of staff also reduce some of the cost of recruitment and make their recruitments become attractive between adolescents. Therefore, Creative cafÃÆ'à ‚ © is now facing the problem of lack of labor, they should think of recruiting applicants externally as their shop assistants, and find their existing staff to promote and replace Celias cashier and accounting position if they can find a staff who are reliable and he/she have related knowledge, otherwise it may need to handle by Marian also because she is the boss of the cafÃÆ'Â ©, which is the most efficient way to improve the service but use less money. References: Difference Between Personnel Management And Human Resource Management | Accounting-Management . 2014. Difference Between Personnel Management And Human Resource Management | Accounting-Management . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 April 2015]. Career in Starbucks | Starbucks Coffee Company . 2015. Career in Starbucks | Starbucks Coffee Company . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 6 May 2015]. -END-

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