Saturday, November 23, 2019

Learn How To Make Money Freelance Writing Online

Learn How To Make Money Freelance Writing Online Learn How To Make Money Freelance Writing Online Learn How To Make Money Freelance Writing Online By Ali Hale The Internet completely changed the freelance writing landscape. For some people (those who were freelance writers before), these changes are scary. For others (those who are getting started), they are quite exciting. In my opinion there has never been a better time to be a freelance writer, and that is why we decided to launch the DWT Freelance Writing Course earlier this year. Today we are opening the doors to new students again (if you want to join us click on the link above). The course is a six-week program designed to teach you everything you need to know about making money freelance writing online. You’ll get written lessons every week (that you access on a special members’ site). They’ll cover: Week #1 Maximizing Your Productivity to Multiply Your Profits: During the first week youll learn techniques you can use to increase your productivity as a writer – if you can write fast without sacrificing quality, you’ll massively increase your earnings. Week #2 Website Setup, Promotion and Guest Blogging: Setting up your own freelancing website and building up your online writing credentials – essential if you want to be taken seriously and land online gigs. Week #3 Writing Content For The Web: Writing for the web is a totally different beast, and in this module youll learn techniques that can set you apart from other freelance writers. Week #4 Finding Clients and Developing High Paying Jobs: Finding great clients and high-paying jobs is probably the biggest challenge any freelance writer will face. The information provided in this module will help you overcome this challenge. Week #5 Running A Freelance Writing Business: Running your business effectively – because if you can’t communicate well with clients or if you miss deadlines, you’ll soon find yourself out of work. Week #6 Using Social Media To Promote Yourself: Social media is already considered an important part of modern marketing. In this module youll learn how to use it to promote yourself and land more clients. Three years ago my life changed forever when I left my day job to become a full-time freelance writer. Now, I get to do what I love all day long. This course teaches you exactly how I did it – so that you can do the same. And you won’t be alone. You’ll be taking the course as part of a whole group of writers (hundreds of them!). You’ll have a forum where you can get to know them – and where you can get advice and support directly from me, whenever you need it. So that everyone can go through the course together, though, we are keeping the doors open for 72 hours only, until midnight (GMT) this Friday, September 30. If this is what you’ve been waiting for click here to read all the details and join us. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing Prompts 101Expanded and ExtendedQuiet or Quite?

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